BEFORE YOU GO – Lewis Capaldi

letra de música Pop

«Before You Go» de Lewis Capaldi es una canción emotiva que trata sobre la pérdida de un ser querido. La letra describe la tristeza y el dolor que siente el cantante al ver a su amigo partir. La melodía es suave y la letra es conmovedora, reflejando la tristeza de la situación. El tema es un recordatorio de que la vida es frágil y que hay que disfrutarla al máximo antes de que sea demasiado tarde.

I fell by the wayside like everyone else
I hate you, I hate you, I hate you
But I was just kidding myself
Our every moment, I start to replace
‘Cause now that they’re gone
All I hear are the words that I needed to say

When you hurt under the surface
Like troubled water running cold
Well, time can heal, but this won’t

So, before you go
Was there something I could’ve said
To make your heartbeat better?
If only I’d have known you had a storm to weather
So, before you go
Was there something I could’ve said
To make it all stop hurting?
It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless
So, before you go

Was never the right time, whenever you called
Went little by, little by, little until there was nothing at all
Our every moment, I start to replay it
But all I can think about is seeing that look on your face

When you hurt under the surface
Like troubled water running cold
Well, time can heal, but this won’t

So, before you go
Was there something I could’ve said
To make your heartbeat better?
If only I’d have known you had a storm to weather
So, before you go
Was there something I could’ve said
To make it all stop hurting?
It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless
So, before you go

Would we be better off by now
If I’d have let my walls come down?
Maybe, I guess we’ll never know
You know, you know

Before you go
Was there something I could’ve said
To make your heartbeat better?
If only I’d have known you had a storm to weather
So, before you go
Was there something I could’ve said
To make it all stop hurting?
It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless
So, before you go

Vídeo musical de BEFORE YOU GO – Lewis Capaldi

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