DEATH (UNRELEASED) – Melanie Martinez

letras de música Indie

«Death (Unreleased)» de Melanie Martinez es una canción de pop alternativo que se centra en el tema de la muerte y la tristeza. La letra explora los sentimientos de soledad y desesperanza que acompañan al duelo, con la voz de Martinez transmitiendo una sensación de tristeza y melancolía. La canción es una reflexión sobre la fragilidad de la vida y la inevitabilidad de la muerte, y ofrece una perspectiva íntima y emotiva sobre el tema.

Can’t sleep, I won’t eat
You’re perishing before me
I’m panicked and rot at the core

Your words, they still haunt me
Like shadows on the concrete
The pain spreads like vines in my bones

Don’t tell me that you’re gone far away like that
I thought the distance was a string that would lead us back
Now I’m in the middle contemplating what my fickle
Heart really gained from the way that I left it with you

Death has come, it knocks on my door like a stalker
Don’t answer, answer
My ego won, I’d put the pieces back but I burned all my chances

Took our time for granted, oh
The knife keeps twisting
So much I’m regretting, oh
Next time, I’ll listen

I hide in your corners, peak over your shoulders
It’s strange how you’re missing me now

Heart’s breaking ‘cause I’m gone far away like that
You thought the distance was a string that would lead us back
Now you’re in the middle contemplating what your fickle
Heart really gained from the way that you left it with me

Death has come, it knocks on my door like a stalker
Don’t answer, answer
My ego won, I’d put the pieces back but I burned all my chances

Took our time for granted, oh
The knife keeps twisting
So much I’m regretting, oh
Next time, I’ll listen

Vídeo musical de DEATH (UNRELEASED) – Melanie Martinez

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