letra de música Reggae

«Kingston Town» es una canción del grupo británico de reggae UB40, lanzada como el primer sencillo de su álbum de 1990, Labour of Love II. La canción es una melodía melancólica que habla de la nostalgia de un hombre por su hogar en Kingston, Jamaica. La canción fue un éxito internacional, llegando al número uno en las listas de singles de Reino Unido, Irlanda, Holanda y Nueva Zelanda.

The night seems to fade
But the moonlight lingers on
There are wonders for everyone, oh

The stars shine so bright
But they’re fading after dawn
There is magic in Kingston Town

Oh, Kingston Town
The place I long to be
If I had the whole world
I would give it away
Just to see the girls at play

And when I am king
Surely, I would need a queen
And a palace and everything, yeah

And now I am king
And my queen will come at dawn
She’ll be waiting in Kingston Town

Oh, Kingston Town
The place I long to be
If I had the whole world
I would give it away
Just to see the girls at play, yeah

When I am king
Surely I would need a queen
And a palace and everything, yeah

And now I am king
And my queen will come at dawn
She’ll be waiting in Kingston Town

She’ll be waiting in Kingston Town
Right now
She’ll be waiting in Kingston Town
Oh, yeah
(She’ll be waiting in Kingston Town)

Vídeo musical de KINGSTON TOWN – UB40

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