letra de música heavy metal

«Watch the World Burn» de Trivium es una canción de metal moderno con letras inspiradas en el caos y la destrucción. La canción se centra en la idea de que el mundo está llegando a su fin, y que la única forma de salvarlo es a través de la acción. Las letras se refieren a la necesidad de tomar medidas para evitar el desastre, y la música se caracteriza por riffs de guitarra pesados ​​y una batería agresiva.

If we all fall down
We fall before moving wheels
Crushed between the gears!
If we fall in line
We see that this path leads straight
Into the great machine!

If we all fall down
We’re swallowed by hopelessness
Digested by their need!
If we fall in line
We’re cycled through all the blood
Keeping it alive

I cannot take it anymore
(I cannot take it anymore!)
I feel it bleed out on the floor.
(I feel it bleed out on the floor!)
You are a lost cause
(You are a lost cause!)
You are a lost cause!

Watch the world burn
It sets the air on fire!
Watch the world burn
We are the arson!

If we break their hold
We open our arms to fight
Unleashing the light!
If we stand our ground
We become the enemy
The revolution sounds!

If we break their hold
We’re faced down by everything
Challenged with a war!
If we stand our ground
We’re sacrificing ourselves
To save so much more!

I cannot take it anymore.
(I cannot take it anymore!)
I feel it bleed out on the floor
(I feel it bleed out on the floor!)
You are a lost cause
(You are a lost cause!)
You are a lost cause!

Watch the world burn
It sets the air on fire!
Watch the world burn
We are the arson!

Holding the breath now
Don’t make a sound
Don’t make a sound!

We are the arson
We burn it down
We burn it down!

I cannot take it anymore.
(I cannot take it anymore!)
I feel it bleed out on the floor.
(I feel it bleed out on the floor!)
You are a lost cause.
(You are a lost cause!)
You are a lost cause!

Watch the world burn
It sets the air on fire!
Watch the world burn
We are the arson!

Watch the world burn
It sets the air on fire!
Watch the world burn
We are the arson!

We are the arson!
We are the arson!
We are the arson!
Watch the world burn!

We are the arson!
We are the arson!
We are the arson!
Watch the world burn!

Vídeo musical de WATCH THE WORLD BURN – Trivium

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